Neurodegenerative disease news

There was an announcement last week that slipped under the radar slightly, but the significance was not lost on Orchids Care!
The Government announced that anyone diagnosed and living with neurodegenerative diseases. Could hopefully have an increased life expectancy and overall healthier life due to innovative new research, following a commitment to invest £375 million over the next 5 years. Included in this is £50 for research into the devastating disease MND.

A unique approach to personal care, contact today for more information on Orchids Care services,  available in Doncaster and across Metropolitan Borough , call now on : 01302 570729

Alternatively you can visit our website:

Doncaster Care Facility Update

2022 is going to be a big year for Orchids Care, and a brilliant year for many local families and clients who will get to use the specialist day care centre. The team are now just appling teh ‘homely’ finishing touches to the rooms, as seen from this latest sneak peak…

Plus remember we are now recruiting! E-mail or phone for more information on working at this amazing facility!

A unique approach to personal care, contact today for more information on Orchids Care services,  available in Doncaster and across Metropolitan Borough , call now on : 01302 570729

Alternatively you can visit our website:

Learning Disabilities care Doncaster

Orchids Care are committed  to make sure that individuals with learning disabilities enjoy life the same as anyone else. Orchids Care can offer warmth and a environment, to help individuals flourish. Our specialist team work with clients families to find a care path that can bring the best out in someone and help them be as independent as possible. With extra emphasis on communication the Orchids Care team have the skills to create trust and build a relationship going forward.

Plus remember we are now recruiting! E-mail or phone for more information on working at this amazing facility!

A unique approach to personal care, contact today for more information on Orchids Care services,  available in Doncaster and across Metropolitan Borough , call now on : 01302 570729

Alternatively you can visit our website: